T-Rex Run Game Hacked - Hack T Rex Run Game

T-Rex Game Hack

In this Tutorial I will show you a simple way to hack Google Chrome T-Rex Run Game.

T-Rex Run Game Hack

It's not a tutorial as such just a fun article that i would like to share with you guys. Whenever our internet connection dies for whatever reason the google chrome tries to make all of us play this game.

In the world of high quality 3d games it's obviously nothing but that's just a fun feature that chrome offers in comparison to other browsers.

So long-story short we all have played this game at least once in our lives. No shame in admitting that, I know some of us might also enjoy it, Lol.

Now since some of us do play T-Rex Run and obviously everyone wants to score as much as they can in it. It's pretty easier at the start but as the speed of T-Rex starts increasing, it gets difficult and after sometime it becomes almost impossible to play and the game overs

How To Hack Google Chrome T-Rex Game

Now with this little hack you can score as much as you want. I have used two simple lines that I wrote in console of my browser. One makes your T-Rex immortal and it never dies and the other increases the speed so much that you start scoring at a high rate.

Making T-Rex Immortal

Write this simple line of code in console area of your browser and your game will never end.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  Runner.prototype.gameOver = function (){}
chrome dinosaur game hack

Increase Speed of T-Rex Game

Write this simple line of code in console area to increase the speed of the game and score faster.

<!DOCTYPE html>
google chrome t-rex game

Video Tutorial Hack T Rex Game

Watch our video on how to Hack T Rex Run Game.

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