Facebook Logo Color Code - HEX Code - RGB Code - CMYK Code

Facebook Logo has two colors Blue and White. Hex Codes, RGB Codes and CMYK Color Codes of Facebook logo are given.

Facebook Logo History

Facebook was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and since then it's popularity has only increased. Facebook Logo today is pretty much same what it was the day it was launched. Facebook logo hasn't changed much since then. When Facebook was launched it's name was thefacebook and it's logo had thefacebook written in light blue color with the dark blue background.

There is a theory that the blue color was chosen for facebook logo since it's founder Mark Zuckerberg has Deuteranopia, a form of color blindness in which person is unable to distinguish red from green. Even if it's true there are many other reasons why blue is better choice for facebook logo.

Blue color is a very soothing color. Blue color is associated with depth and stability. Blue color symbolizes wisdom, confidence and intelligence. Blue is considered to be very sophisticated color and many High Tech companies use blue color in their branding. The blue color used in facebook logo looks pretty decent.

Facebook Logo Color Code

Since start facebook logo has blue color in it. First facebook logo had light and dark blue colors in it. But the current facebook logo has Blue and White Colors.

The white and blue colors look very good together in facebook logo. White color symbolize purity and blue is a color of wisdom and they both compliment each other.

The Color codes of facebook logo are given below. See the Hex Codes, RGB Codes and CMYK Codes of Facebook Logo.

Facebook Logo Color Hex Code

The Hex values or Hex Codes of both Blue and White Colors of Facebook Logo are given below.


Hex Value: #4267B2;


Hex Value: #FFFFFF;

Facebook Logo Color RGB Code

The RGB values or RGB Codes of both Blue and White Colors of Facebook Logo are given below.


RGB Value: (66, 103, 178)


RGB Value: (255, 255, 255)

Facebook Logo Color CMYK Code

The CMYK values or CMYK Codes of both Blue and White Colors of Facebook Logo are given below.


CMYK Value: (63%, 42%, 0%, 30%)


CMYK Value: (0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)