UpWork Logo Color Code - HEX Code - RGB Code - CMYK Code

UpWork logo has two colors green and black. The Hex Codes, RGB Codes and CMYK Codes of UpWork Logo are given.

UpWork Logo History

UpWork was founded in 2015 after the merger of Elance and Odesk. UpWork is platform which connects freelancers and businesses to each other, where any business can hire any freelancer from anywhere around the world.

From the start, Upwork Logo has two colors green and black in it. The upwork logo has only text (upwork) in it, with up in green and work in black color.

UpWork Logo Color Code

The black color used in upwork logo is not jet black but it's slightly lighter. While the green color used in upwork logo is called lime green. The color codes of upwork logo are given below.

UpWork Logo Color Hex Code

The HEX codes of green and black colors used in UpWork logo are given below.


Hex Value: #6fda44;


Hex Value: #494949;

UpWork Logo Color RGB Code

The RGB codes of green and black colors used in UpWork logo are given below.


RGB Value: (111, 218, 68)


RGB Value: (73, 73, 73)

UpWork Logo Color CMYK Code

The CMYK codes of green and black colors used in UpWork logo are given below.


CMYK Value: (49%, 0%, 69%, 15%)


CMYK Value: (0%, 0%, 0%, 71%)