301) HTML attribute which hides the element?
- style attribute
- hidden attribute ✔
- display attribute
- type attribute
302) HTML attribute which sets the value for meter tag which is considered high?
- high attribute ✔
- value attribute
- max attribute
- name attribute
303) HTML attribute which sets the URL of web page or document?
- url attribute
- link attribute
- src attribute
- href attribute ✔
304) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run once the file has buffered to the limit that it can start playing?
- onload attribute
- oncanplay attribute ✔
- onbuffer attribute
- onready attribute
305) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run once the file has buffered completely?
- oncanplaythrough attribute ✔
- oncomplete attribute
- onbuffer attribute
- onload attribute
306) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run if the value of element is changed?
- ondiffer attribute
- onclick attribute
- onmove attribute
- onchange attribute ✔
307) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the element is clicked?
- onselect attribute
- onkeypress attribute
- onhold attribute
- onclick attribute ✔
308) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the context menu is triggered or initiated?
- oncontextmenu attribute ✔
- onclick attribute
- ontrigger attribute
- onfocus attribute
309) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the content of element is copied?
- onselect attribute
- onpaste attribute
- oncopy attribute ✔
- oncut attribute
310) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user releases a key?
- onkeyup attribute ✔
- onkeypress attribute
- onkeydown attribute
- onpress attribute
311) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the element is loaded completely?
- onready attribute
- oncomplete attribute
- data attribute
- onload attribute ✔
312) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the file is loaded?
- onload attribute
- onloadeddata attribute ✔
- onfetch attribute
- oncomplete attribute
313) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the meta data of file is loaded?
- onloadedmetadata attribute ✔
- onloaded attribute
- onload attribute
- onready attribute
314) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run if the error occurs?
- check attribute
- onerror attribute ✔
- state attribute
- onexecute attribute
315) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the element gets focused?
- onselect attribute
- onclick attribute
- onfocus attribute ✔
- ondrag attribute
316) Which HTML Tag is used when the directionality of text is unknown?
- <b>
- <aside>
- <div>
- <bdi> ✔
317) A caption for a figure element is defined using?
- <h3>
- <caption>
- <figcaption> ✔
- <figure>
318) Italic text is defined using which HTML Tag?
- <italic>
- <i> ✔
- <b>
- <li>
319) The HTML <hr> tag is used for.
- horizontal row
- vertical ruler
- heading
- horizontal ruler ✔
320) Which attribute is used for favicon?
- href
- title
- rel ✔
- alt
321) Which HTML tag is used for Non-English language?
- <b>
- <pre>
- <embed>
- <bdo> ✔
322) Correct syntax of doctype in HTML5 is?
- <+DOCTYPE html!>
- <!DOCTYPE html> ✔
- </DOCTYPE html>
- <-DOCTYPE html>
323) IDE stands for?
- Internet Development Environment
- Integrated Development Environment ✔
- Integrated Design Environment
- Internet Design Environment
324) Right way to insert a background image in HTML is?
- <body background = "image.jpg"> ✔
- <img background = "image.jpg">
- <div = "image.jpg">
- All of the above
325) The table tags are?
- colspan, table, tr, td
- table, thead, tr, td ✔
- tk, tt, tr, td
- thead, div, td, tz
326) HTML Tag which defines section of website or html document?
- HTML div tag
- HTML section tag ✔
- HTML article tag
- HTML header tag
327) HTML Tag which defines drop down list?
- HTML option tag
- HTML select tag ✔
- HTML menu tag
- HTML nav tag
328) HTML Tag which defines smaller text?
- HTML small tag ✔
- HTML span tag
- HTML b tag
- HTML p tag
329) HTML Tag which defines media resources for media elements?
- HTML link tag
- HTML src tag
- HTML source tag ✔
- HTML script tag
330) HTML Tag used to define sub-scripted text is?
- HTML sup tag
- HTML span tag
- HTML sub tag ✔
- HTML b tag
331) HTML Tag used to define a single cell of table is?
- HTML td tag ✔
- HTML tc tag
- HTML th tag
- HTML tb tag
332) HTML Tag used to define a template is?
- HTML table tag
- HTML time tag
- HTML template tag ✔
- HTML th tag
333) HTML Tag used to define a text input element is?
- HTML text tag
- HTML input tag
- HTML textarea tag ✔
- HTML p tag
334) HTML Tag used to define footer of table is?
- HTML thead tag
- HTML tfoot tag ✔
- HTML table tag
- HTML footer tag
335) HTML Tag used to define header cell of table is?
- HTML thead tag
- HTML header tag
- HTML th tag ✔
- HTML head tag
336) HTML attribute which disables the element or group of elements?
- focus attribute
- type attribute
- disabled attribute ✔
- char attribute
337) HTML attribute which defines if element is drag able or not?
- moveable attribute
- draggable attribute ✔
- title attribute
- name attribute
338) HTML attribute which defines if dragged data is copied, linked or moved when dropped?
- type attribute
- data attribute
- url attribute
- dropzone attribute ✔
339) The right way to use the width attribute in HTML is.
- width=100
- WIDTH="100"
- width="100" ✔
- WIDTH=100
340) Which of the following statement is true about Attributes?
- Attribute values must be quoted ✔
- Attribute names must be in uppercase
- Attribute values should not be quoted
- None
341) Copyright sign is?
- © ✔
- <
- &
- >
342) Which HTML tag is used for line break?
- <br> ✔
- break tag
- b tag
- li tag
343) Which HTML tag is used to define a button?
- <button> ✔
- a tag
- p tag
- b tag
344) HTML attribute which tells about the type of files that the website server accepts is?
- src attribute
- allow attribute
- href attribute
- accept attribute ✔
345) HTML attribute which specifies the character encodings is?
- alt attribute
- accept-charset attribute ✔
- charset attribute
- accept attribute
346) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user paste something to the element?
- oncut attribute
- oncopy attribute
- oninput attribute
- onpaste attribute ✔
347) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the media pauses due to any other reason?
- onstop attribute
- onpause attribute ✔
- onplay attribute
- onbuffer attribute
348) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the pointer of mouse moves over an element?
- onmousemove attribute
- onmouseover attribute ✔
- onmouseout attribute
- onmouseenter attribute
349) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the pointer of mouse is released over an element?
- onmouseup attribute ✔
- onmouserelease attribute
- onmouseleave attribute
- onmouseclick attribute
350) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the mouse wheel is scrolled over any element?
- onmousemove attribute
- onmousescroll attribute
- onmousewheel attribute ✔
- onmousedrag attribute