351) The types of bullets in unordered list are?
- rectangle, square, triangle
- polygon, triangle, circle
- square, disc, circle ✔
- disc, square, hexagon
352) <input> is?
- Format tag.
- An empty tag. ✔
- Block Level
- All of the above
353) Which of the following is container for <tr>, <th>, and <td> Tags?
- <div>
- <table> ✔
- <section>
- None
354) HTML attribute which specifies the encoding method of form data?
- enctype attribute ✔
- encode attribute
- charset attribute
- type attribute
355) HTML attribute which defines the link of label or calculation with the element?
- for attribute ✔
- link attribute
- id attribute
- name attribute
356) HTML attribute which specifies which form belongs to the particular element using form name?
- link attribute
- formaction attribute
- form attribute ✔
- id attribute
357) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user presses a key?
- onkeyup attribute
- onkeydown attribute
- onkeypress attribute ✔
- onpress attribute
358) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the pointer of mouse is moving over element?
- onmove attribute
- onmouseover attribute
- onmouse attribute
- onmousemove attribute ✔
359) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the pointer of mouse is moving out of element?
- onmove attribute
- onmouseover attribute
- onmousemove attribute
- onmouseout attribute ✔
360) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the browser works offline?
- ondown attribute
- connection attribute
- check attribute
- onoffline attribute ✔
361) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the browser works online or the connection is reestablished?
- onconnected attribute
- ononline attribute ✔
- connection attribute
- data attribute
362) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user navigates away from the page?
- onpagehide attribute ✔
- onhide attribute
- hidden attribute
- onback attribute
363) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user navigates to the page?
- onopen attribute
- onvisit attribute
- onpageshow attribute ✔
- ondisplay attribute
364) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the media is playing?
- onplay attribute
- onloop attribute
- onstart attribute
- onplaying attribute ✔
365) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the window's history is changed?
- onchange attribute
- history attribute
- onpopstate attribute ✔
- state attribute
366) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the browser is getting the media data?
- onprogress attribute ✔
- data attribute
- onloading attribute
- get attribute
367) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user changes the speed of media?
- onchange attribute
- onratechange attribute ✔
- speed attribute
- rate attribute
368) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the reset button of the form is clicked?
- onchange attribute
- reset attribute
- onstart attribute
- onreset attribute ✔
369) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the browser size is changed?
- size attribute
- width attribute
- onresize attribute ✔
- height attribute
370) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the process of seeking is ended?
- oncomplete attribute
- end attribute
- start attribute
- onseeked attribute ✔
371) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the process of seeking is still going on?
- onseeked attribute
- onseeking attribute ✔
- seek attribute
- type attribute
372) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the element gets selected?
- onselect attribute ✔
- onfocus attribute
- selected attribute
- id attribute
373) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the media data is stuck and browser is unable to fetch it?
- onload attribute
- onbuffer attribute
- onstalled attribute ✔
- onstuck attribute
374) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the Web storage area is updated?
- updated attribute
- onupdate attribute
- state attribute
- onstorage attribute ✔
375) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the form is submitted?
- submit attribute
- onclick attribute
- onsubmit attribute ✔
- onselect attribute
376) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when process of fetching the media is stopped?
- onstop attribute
- onsuspend attribute ✔
- onpause attribute
- stop attribute
377) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when playing position is changed by the user?
- ontimeupdate attribute ✔
- onupdate attribute
- onloop attribute
- time attribute
378) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the user opens or closes the details element?
- ontoggle attribute ✔
- toggle attribute
- onclose attribute
- onopen attribute
379) HTML attribute which defines the relationship of linked document or file with the current file?
- link attribute
- relationship attribute
- rel attribute ✔
- id attribute
380) HTML attribute which specifies that the form cannot be submitted without entering the value?
- submit attribute
- needed attribute
- input attribute
- required attribute ✔