Change Selected Option of Select Tag with JavaScript

In this tutorial we will learn how to Change Selected Option of Select Tag with JavaScript. HTML Dom getElementById Method and HTML Dom value property is used for this purpose.


HTML Code is given below, in this code we have a select tag with four options and a button tag which will execute a JavaScript function to Change Selected Option of Select Tag.

<select name="languages" id='lang'>
<option value="html">HTML</option>    
<option value="css">CSS</option>    
<option value="javascript">JavaScript</option>    
<option value="php">PHP</option>    
<button onclick="changeOption()">Change Selected Option</button>    

JavaScript Code

Take a look at the JavaScript code, the HTML Dom getElementById() method and HTML Dom value property are used in this code.

Main function changeOption() is executed when the HTML button is clicked, this is done using onclick event.

function changeOption()

getElementById() Method

HTML DOM getElementById() Method is used to select or target HTML element by it's id.

HTML Dom value property

HTML Dom value property sets or returns the value of input element.

Here, we have used it for select tag.

In this example value property is used in a way that we are assigning value of a specific option to the select tag, which will change the selected option of select tag to this option (whose value is being used).


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on Change Selected Option of Select Tag using JavaScript.

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