How to add elements to the start of an array in PHP

In this tutorial we will learn How to add elements to the start of an array in PHP, we can use PHP array_unshift() function for this which can add elements to beginning of an array.

PHP array_unshift() function

PHP array_unshift() function adds the new element to the array.

The new element is added to the start of the array, this is also known as prepending.

String keys remain unchanged while the numeric keys start from 0.

$array = array("HTML","CSS","JavaScript");

array_unshift() function can add more than one values at a time and all values will be added in the beginning of array.

// adding two elements
$array = array("Red","Blue","Yellow");
array_unshift($array,"Orange" , "White");

The first value or element specified in array_unshift() function will be the first element in the new version of same array and so on.


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